Call for Sessions
With this Call for Sessions the organizers of the STS Conference Graz 2025 invite proposals investigating the complex interplay of Science, Technology, and Society.
Aiming at a broad participation and diverse topical questions the selection of sessions will be guided by an assessment of how likely a session will encourage the submission of papers that relate to Science and Technology Studies (STS) and hold promise to productively continue ongoing debates in this field.
Based on this selection, the Scientific Committee sets up Thematic Clusters to make sure that participants interested in a particular theme (e.g. energy, digitalization, sustainability, innovation, diversity, etc.) can follow several consecutive sessions.
Online participation
A broad consensus was observed within both the Scientific Committee and the Organizing Team of the STS Conference Graz that the conference is most productive and intellectually engaging if experienced face-to-face. However, we are also aware of the fact that travelling is not always possible, sometimes for reasons that are beyond the individual’s choice. We will therefore continue to offer an option to participate online. Ensuring a smooth hybrid conference requires to commission external technical support, an additional service that of course influences the online registration fees.
Guidelines for Session Proposers:
Please observe the following guidelines when submitting a session proposal:
1) Create an account and use the online form to submit your proposal no later
than November 5, 2025.
ConfTool: Instructions for Submitting Authors
2) Session proposals must not exceed 500 words.
3) Your session proposal needs to be written in a way suitable for publication on our website as a call for abstracts. Address your desired contributors directly and be clear about the type of contributions you seek to be presented in your session.
4) Do not submit abstracts of your own paper. Even if you intend to present a paper of your own – you are certainly welcome to do so – submit your paper over the course of the call for abstracts after the session proposals have been assessed, accepted and published on our website. You may send additional information such as CV, list of publications and abstracts of intended paper presentations in the appendix to your session proposal.
5) The format of your proposed session does not need to be limited to academic papers and presentations. We encourage you to suggest interactive and innovative session formats, such as group discussions, world cafes, round tables, etc. Please specify your idea in case you plan an alternative setting by briefly describing it in your session proposal.
6) After acceptance, session proposers are expected to assist with reviewing full papers submitted to their own session.