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May 6 - 8 2024

May 6 – 8 2024

May 6 - 8 2024 - Save the Date!

STS Conference Graz 2024

The 22nd Annual STS Conference Graz 2024 „Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies“ is the joint Annual Conference of the Science Technology and Society Unit of the Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science of Graz University of Technology, the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture (IFZ) and the Institute for Advanced Studies of Science, Technology and Society (IAS-STS).

The STS Conference Graz 2024 is a hybrid event.

The STS Conference Graz is hosted by
Graz University of Technology

Link to Keynote by Kornelia Konrad Monday, 6.5.2024; 9:00 am
Hydrogen visions and projects between past, present and future

Link to Keynote by Noortje Marres Tuesday 7.5.2024; 9:30 am
On tech trials in the public sector and the politics of falsifiability

Link to Keynote by Erik Aarden Wednesday 8.5.2024; 9:00 am
Collective goods? The making of “population health” in medical tissue  and data collections 

Important Deadlines

OCT 2023

Call for Session Proposals

FEB 2024

Call for Abstracts

APR 2024


Jun 2024

Full Paper Submission



Latest Update

Book of Abstracts

The book of abstracts is now available
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Keynote Speakers

Kornelia Konrad, Noortje Marres, Erik Aarden
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STS Conference Graz 2024

Please save the date: May 6-8, 2024
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Green Meeting

The STS Conference Graz 2024 is an eco-label certified Green Meeting. Please help us protect the climate and environment by…
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